Block Watch
Hi there - I am trying to gauge some interest in starting a block watch for our area (i'm down on the 3200 block of Dousman). So far in the last couple weeks there has been some activity in our neighborhood that I would like to work on putting a stop to. Last Thursday, during the day - my garage was broken in to. They did take my weed eater/edger. I know Sean was broken into as well (Sean is on the corner of Auer and Humboldt). I believe I have heard about an assault down near Burleigh/Dousman as well. And after talking with my neighbor - there has been more suspicious activity on our block as well - with many things being averted due to someone approaching them. I have already talked to my neighbors Belle and Stephen - who are interested in helping to put something together. I am in touch with Tim Vertz from the Riverwest Neighborhood Association as well - he has helped to start other block watches within the Riverwest area. His suggestion is to gather interest, find a few dates/times good and to hold an get together and invite him, officer Scott (Riverwest's police liason) and another individual from the RNA. They would then walk us through how to start up a neighborhood watch and help us get everything started. If you are interested or know of anyone else in the Burlsman area that is interested please email me at or call me at 264-2652. I am hoping this week to put together a flyer and walk through the neighborhood one night to gauge the interest of the residents in our area.Thanks,Tammy Vanden Heuvel
Does anyone know what happened on the 3100 block of Humboldt today (Monday, 14th)? My neighbor reported seeing several cop cars there around 9 a.m. I didn't even hear the cars. Let us all know if you know what happened.
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