This is a great idea
This blog is an excellent idea. I'd like to attach a link to a blog posting from my own blog that I made at the end of last summer:
Warning! If you peruse my blog further you'll find that I can be rabidly right wing on some issues. But you all knew that already, didn't you?
This blog is an excellent idea. I'd like to attach a link to a blog posting from my own blog that I made at the end of last summer:
Warning! If you peruse my blog further you'll find that I can be rabidly right wing on some issues. But you all knew that already, didn't you?
I will put your blog in the links on the right, and I do mean on the Right.
Haha... even though I'm liberal on a lot of social issues. Fine with me though. And when I criticize leftists, I don't mean you, well, maybe I do... hee hee. Hey, it's all in good fun til Israel gets nuked, right?
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